Tuesday – 6/31/2020
The Workout for Tuesday is: STRENGTH *Find on SugarWOD. METCON 3 Rounds for Time -800m Run -24 Alternating DB Snatches (Rx+ Squat Snatch) (55/35) *Time Cap = 20 minutes EXTRA CREDIT *Find on SugarWOD.
Monday – 6/29/2020
The Workout for Monday is: STRENGTH *Find on SugarWOD. METCON AMRAP x 15 Minutes -15/10 Cal Bike -10 Burpees to Target -10 Strict Pull-Ups (Rx+ 5 Ring Muscle-Ups) EXTRA CREDIT *Find on SugarWOD.
Friday – 6/19/2020
The workout for Wednesday is: STRENGTH *Find on SugarWOD. METCON For Time -100 Wall Balls(20/14) Then 3 Rounds -20/12 Cal Bike -20 Deadlifts (115/75)(Rx+ 155/105) Time Cap = 15 minutes EXTRA CREDIT *Find on SugarWOD.
Thursday – 6/18/2020
The Workout for Thursday is: SWEAT DAY!!!! *Check SugarWOD for details.
Wednesday – 6/17/2020
The workout for Wednesday is: STRENGTH *Find on SugarWOD. METCON 5 Rounds for Max Reps 3:00 on / 1:00 off -50 Double-Unders -10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)(Rx+185/125) -50 Double-Unders -Max Push-Ups EXTRA CREDIT *Find on SugarWOD.