Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday – 8/7/2019

The Workout for Wednesday is:

-200m Run
-12 Air Squats
-2 to 3 Floor-to-Standing Rope Climbs

30 sec Squat Hold against Rig
15 sec Supinated Grip Hang from Rig

Review/Setup for Front Squats

EMOM x 6 minutes
1 & 1/4 Front Squat
Build over the course of the 6 attempts.

2019 CrossFit Games Workout Event 1
“First Cut”
4 Rounds for Time
-400m Run
-3 Legless Rope Climbs
-7 Squat Snatches (185/130)
Time Cap = 20 minutes
*This workout is obviously a test for the fittest men and women on the planet. Scaling is not a crime. Lets have fun today!

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

4 Rounds
-Suitcase Carry x 60 sec per side
-Single Arm KB Front Rack Carry x 60 sec per side

-100 Banded Hamstring Curls

For Time
-30 Strict HSPU
-Rest 1:00
-15 Strict HSPU

[Engine Builder]
For Max Cals
-15 minute Assault Bike
-Rest 4 minutes
-15 minute Assault Bike
*Goal is to hold 3-5 RPMs more on each 15 minute interval than you did for your 30 minute bike.

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