Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday – 4/3/2019

The Workout for Wednesday is:

Pressing Complex
4 Sets, building in weight
3 Strict Press + 6 Push Press + 9 Push Jerks

2 Rounds
-30 Air Squats
-10 Hang Power Snatch (115/75)(Rx+ 135/95)
-30 Air Squats
-10 Hang Power Snatch (115/75)(Rx+ 135/95)
-30 Air Squats
Rest 2:00

Muscle Ups
3 Max Sets
Rest as needed between sets

4 Rounds
Pendlay Rows x 10
Hollow Rocks x 20
Choose one weight across all 4 sets
Rest as needed between sets

[Engine Builder]
Row 25 Calories x 6
Rest 2:00
Push really hard but make it repeatable.

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