Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday – 2/27/2019

The Workout for Wednesday is:

3 Rounds
-1 minute machine
-50′ Straight Leg Bear Crawl

-10 Turkish Get-Ups (5/5)
-10 Handstand Superman Drill

2 Rounds
-10 Hollow Hold to Arch Hold Rolls
-10 Hollow Lat Pull Downs
-10 sec HS hold (use wall, freestanding or partner)

HS Walk Practice
5 x 100′ (split into 25′ sections)
Rest 1:00 between sets

5 Rounds for Time
-30 Double-Unders
-9 Thrusters (115/75)(Rx+ 135/85)
-30 Double-Unders
-6 Ring Muscle-Ups
Time Cap = 14 minutes
*Move quickly with intent but do not rush.

Bar Muscle-Ups
EMOM x 5 or 6 or 10 minutes
EMOM x 5 = 6 BMU
EMOM x 6 = 5 BMU
EMOM x 10 = 3 BMU
*You chose rep scheme, watch tearing your hands.

4 Sets
-15 Seated Banded Row
-30 Band Pull Aparts
*Focus on posture.

3 Sets
-500m at moderate-fast pace
Rest 1 minute
-300m at fast pace
Rest 4 minutes

EMOM x 5
:30 sec ON
:30 sec OFF
*Don’t rush, just move, use legs.

[Post. Chain]
Hip Extensions
3 x 20

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