Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday – 11/13/2019

The Workout for Wednesday is:

2 Rounds
-2 Wall Walks OR Inchworms + Push-Up
-4 T-Spine Rotations Each Side
-6 Shoulder Taps (Scale: 4 Way Taps)
-8 Hollow Rocks

2 Rounds
-20 sec Forearm Opener (palms down)
-20 sec Forearm Opener (Palms up)
-6 Scorpions (Thumbs up)

Review & Setup for Push Press

Every 60 seconds, for 10 minutes
Push Press x 2 reps
*Use heaviest weight possible across all 10 sets

Body Building Pump Circuit
In teams of 2, complete the following:
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
-Power Clean & Jerk (135/85)
-Supinated Grip Bent Over Row (135/85)
-Floor Press (135/85)
Time Cap = 25 minutes
*A little fun today with a partner pump circuit. The rep scheme is for both athletes. Both P1 and P2 must get 10 Power C&J before moving on to the Bent Over Rows… you can split your C&Js up however you’d like though.


Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
-Barbell assisted pec stretch
-Band assisted lat stretch right
-Band assisted lat stretch left
-Lacrosse ball pec/lat roll right
-Lacrosse ball pec/lat roll left

[Applied Strength]
EMOM x 15 Minutes
1 Squat Snatch
*All reps between 70-80%

EMOM x 8 Minutes
-Strict HSPU x 2 to 10 reps

‘Chest Facing Wall’ HS Hold
3 x 60 seconds
Rest as needed between

Core Smash!
3 Rounds
-Hollow rocks x 30 reps
-Russian Twist x 30 reps
-Pike flutter kicks x 30 reps

Row Conditioning

Row 1000m @ SR20, 5K pace + 4-6 sec
~Rest 2 mins~
10 Sets of:
-300m row @ SR20 max pace
-Rest 45 sec between each
~Rest 2 mins~
15 Minutes Assault bike moderate effort 

*Note: The low stroke rate is there to make you focus on power and efficiency in the pull. 

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