Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday – 8/13/2019

The Workout for Tuesday is:

Tabata Machine
8 x :20 / :10

PVC Complex
-10 PVC Pass Throughs
-10 PVC Cuban Presses
-10 PVC Pec Openers
-:30 sec PVC Lat Opener

2 Rounds
5 Clapping Push-Ups
10 Neutral Grip Ring Rows (should be quick and easy)

3 Rounds for Quality
-10 to 12 Single Arm DB Bench Press
-10 DB Hammer Curls

Every 2 minutes x 24 minutes (12 sets)
-15/10 Cal Bike (Rx+ 20/15 cals)
-6 Shoulder-to-Overhead
*Begin around 50% and build over the course of 12 sets.
*Score = heaviest successful round

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

5 Rounds, NFT
-5 Single Arm DB Push Press + 10 Single Arm OH Walking Lunges
Rest as needed

EMOM x 5
-5 Barbell Rollout (think of an ab wheel)
-5 DB Rear Delt Raises

[Applied Strength]
Every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (10 sets)
1 Clean
Sets 1-2 @ 70-75%
Sets 3-4 @ 75-80%
Sets 5-6 @ 80-85%
Sets 7-8 @ 85-90%
Sets 9-10 @ 90-95%

[Engine Builder]
Running Endurance Option
For Time
2400m Run
Rest 60 sec
1600m Run
Rest 2 minutes
2400m Run

Mixed Modal Endurance Option
10 Rounds for Time
-20/15 Cal Bike
-15/10 Cal Row
-5 DBall Cleans Over Shoulder (150/100)
*If the DBalls are too heavy, perform 5 Double DB Ground to Overhead with a challenging weight that allows you to keep steady movement.

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