Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday – 6/4/2019

The Workout for Tuesday is:

8 x :20 on / :10 off (cycle through)
-Jumping Bar Taps
-Reverse Lunge

PVC Complex
-Pass Through x 15
-2 Sets /side: Shoulder External Rotation x 15 sec
-Lat Opener x 15 sec

Power Clean & Jerk Prep

Every 2 minutes for 8 Sets (16 minutes)
-10 Toes-to-Bar
-2 Power Clean & Jerks (climbing)

EMOM x 16
Odd: 6 Single Arm DB Push Jerks (50/35)(Rx+ anything heavier)
Even: 15 Burpees
*Thats 6 each arm. Round 2 is 7 each arm. Round 3 is 8… and so on..
*Your score is total push jerks completed.
*If you get to say 9 or 10 and you know you can’t go up any more, just stay at your last number for the rest of the time.

(Choose 1-2 below based on your goals)

[Gross Strength]
Push Press
5 x 10 (climbing)

For Time
30 Ring Muscle-Ups

KB Skills
-Double Swing x 3 (35/20)
-Double Clean x 3
-Double Front Squat x 3
-Double Jerk x 3
-Double Overhead Squat x 3
Rest 1:00
5 Rounds – skill development

4 x 6 Intervals with 3 minutes of rest between
(3min/2min/1min Continuous)

Set 1: 18/22/26
Set 2: 20/24/28
Set 3: 22/26/30
Set 4: 24/28/32
*Pace should drop 1 sec per SPM increase. (So going from 18 to 22.. the pace should drop 4 seconds)

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