Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday – 3/24/2020

The Workout for Tuesday is:

“Deck of Cards” (Butts and Guts Version)

Hearts = Air Squats
Diamonds = Reverse Lunges
Spades = Hollow Rocks
Clubs = Russian Twists (Rt + Lt = 1)
Jokers = 30 Burpees

*Take a Deck of Cards, shuffle those suckers up really well, set a timer and begin.
Flip one card over, the suit determines the movement & the number determines how many to do.
Ex: Eight of diamonds mean you do 8 reverse lunges.
This workout will take awhile. Feel free to perform with a buddy, you go I go style.

Ace = 1 rep
Jacks = 11 reps
Queens = 12 reps
Kings = 13 reps

**You may be feeling a little sore from yesterdays leg volume. So what 🙂 , you guys know we squat more than anyone so we need to maintain our volume. Motion is lotion so flush the soreness.

Spend 10 minutes working on Handstand Walking or Handstand Holds.
We have some HSPU tomorrow, so go ahead and practice getting upside down today, but don’t blow yourself up.

Single Arm DB/KB Row: 5 x 12 reps /side
Tempo: 5, 1, x, 1
5 second decent, 1 second pause at the bottom, explosive pull, 1 sec pause at the top.
*If you do not have any DBs/KBs, grab a water jug, or fill a bag up with some books.

[Engine Builder]
Anaerobic Day
5 Rounds
-Machine/Run 1:00, very high intensity
-Rest 5:00



[Gross Strength]
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets)
-Push Press x 5 reps
*Work up to a 5RM for the day.

[Applied Strength]
1 Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
Complete 10 reps @ 70% of Snatch
Rest 3 minutes
8 reps @ 75% of Snatch
Rest 3 minutes
6 reps @ 80% of Snatch
Time Cap = 18 minutes

AMRAP x 15 Minutes
-200m Run
-12 DB Box Step-Overs

For Time
-50 Pull-Ups
-50 KB Swings
-150′ HS Walk

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