Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday – 2/11/2020 (Sweat WOD Included)


The Workout for Tuesday is:

5 Rounds for Max Reps
-1:00 Bench Press (185/105)
-1:00 Rest
*Remember, you only get 1 attempt per set. Even if you pause at any point during your set, the set is over! 

AMRAP x 20
-20 Alternating Pistols (Sub for Assault Bike Cals if needed)
-10 Push Jerks (Rx 135/95)(Rx+ 165/115)
-5/4 Rope Climbs (Rx+ 5/3 Legless)

EMOM x 10 Minutes
-15 Wall Balls (choose your weight)

EMOM x 10 Minutes
-10 Burpees (Advanced: Burpee Broad Jumps)

EMOM x 10 Minutes
-12/8 Cal Row (Advance: 15/10)

*There will be a 2 minute rest between sections.

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

Every 4 minutes, for 12 minutes
-20 Walking Lunge Steps (10/leg)
*Small weight increases each set.

[Applied Strength]
EMOM x 15
-1 Split Jerk
*Work up to a heavy single for the day.

For Time
-225m Row
-75 Double-Unders
-25 Bar Muscle-Ups
*Time Cap = 7 minutes

[Engine Builder]
Max Aerobic Power Day
12 Rounds
-Run 1:45
-Rest 1:00

Bike Sub: Yes
Row Sub: Yes
Ski Sub: Yes
*Track you Cals/Distance for each round.

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