Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday – 11/5/2019

The Workout for Tuesday is:

4 Rounds
-15 sec Single Arm KB Swings
-15 Sec Single Arm KB Front Squat
-15 Sec Single Arm KB Press
*Odd Rounds: Right Side
*Even Rounds: Left Side

27 Squat Progression

Barbell Thruster Technique

Every 60 seconds x 10 minutes
Thruster x 2 reps
*Start at a moderate weight and work up to a heavy double for the day. Weight will come from the ground.

4 Rounds for Max Reps
-Air Squats x 1:00
-Rest 15 sec
-Hand Release Push-Ups x 1:00
-Rest 15 sec
-Abmat Sit-Ups x 1:00
-Rest 15 sec
*Can anyone get 450+ reps???

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

Scap Jacked!
3 Rounds
-Prone DB reverse flys x 12 reps
-Seated KB ‘bottoms ups’ rack hold x 45 sec
-Banded face pull + squeeze (hold for 2s at peak contraction) x 12 reps 

[Applied Strength]
Split Jerk: 15 x 1 (EMOM)
*All sets between 70-80%

EMOM x 10
-5 Weighted Pull-Ups (20/15#)
-5 Weighted Ring Dips (20/15#)
*Complete both movements every 60 seconds. Scale reps down as needed and try to perform weighted.

Mixed Modal
Every 3 Minutes x 10 rounds
-10 Cal Ski
-10 Cal Assault Bike
-10 BBJO
*Score is slowest round.

Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
-Pigeon stretch left
-Pigeon stretch right
-Standing straddle stretch
-Double pigeon stretch 

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