Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 9/5/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

Coach’s Choice

Today we want to focus on snatch pull… Specifically first pull.
First 4 segments keep between 50-70%

EMOM x 4 minutes
3 snatch deads with 3 sec pause at knee 

EMOM x 4 minutes
2 snatch pulls with 3 sec pause at knee

EMOM x 4 minutes
2 snatch high pulls with 3 sec pause at knee

EMOM x 4 minutes
2 muscle snatch with no pause
*Focus on leg drive off the ground!

EMOM x 10 minutes
1 power snatch
*Build to heavy for day focus on good positions in pull

Spend 15-20 minutes on a machine of your choice.
At no point should you feel taxed. You should be able to hold a conversation the entire time. Grab some headphones and listen to some peaceful music, book, or podcast. Enjoy.

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