Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 8/8/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

Get equipment out as you go…..
-1:00 Machine
-15 Russian KB Swings
-10 Box Jumps or Box Jump Overs
-5 Burpees

-5 Cobra Push-Ups
-10 Scorpions w/ Thumbs up

Setup for Legendary Abs

“Legendary Abs!!!!”
If you don’t know… show up and see what the fun is all about 😉

2 Total Rounds
AMRAP x 4 Minutes
-50 Russian KB Swings (70/55)
-Max Cal Machine with time remaining

AMRAP x  3 Minutes
-400m Row
-Max Burpees with time remaining

AMRAP x 2 Minutes
-30 Box Jumps Overs
-Max Cal Machine with time remaining

AMRAP x 1 Minute
-20/15 Cal Sprint
-Max Burpees with time remaining

*Rest 1 minute between rounds and stations.*
*Remember, you can also use days like today as recovery. The workout is designed to be a tough burner, but if you need to dial back the intensity and simply move you can. Motion is lotion… have fun!

Spend 15-20 minutes on a machine of your choice.
At no point should you feel taxed. You should be able to hold a conversation the entire time. Grab some headphones and listen to some peaceful music, book, or podcast. Enjoy.

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