Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 7/11/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

-8 Cal Row
-8 Cal Bike
-8 Shuttle Runs
-8 Walking Lunges

Couch Stretch x 40 sec /side

Review and Setup for Metcon

5 Rounds
-1 Min. Max Cal Row
-1 Min. Shuttle Run
-1 Min. Max Cal Bike
-1 Min. Walking Lunge*
-1 Min. Rest
Score = Total Calories Only (bike cals + row cals)

~Rest 3 minutes~

Abs on Blast Circuit x 10 Minutes
-1 Min. Right Side Plank
-1 Min. Sit-Ups
-1 Min. Left Side Plank
-1 Min. Reverse Sit-Ups
-1 Min. Plank
-1 Min. Reverse Sit-Ups
-1 Min. Right Side Plank
-1 Min. Sit-Ups
-1 Min. Left Side Plank

*You get 1 full minute of rest within this 10 minutes of straight Abs. YOU DECIDE where to use it 🙂

*The final station in part A is a freestyle station. Depending on how you feel, you can change it to another bodyweight movement. Some ideas would be chin-ups, double-unders, push-ups, or burpees. You can mix it up.

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