Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 6/27/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

4 Rounds: (40 seconds ON / 20 seconds OFF)
Machine of choice

Twisted Cross w/ 2 count pause per side x 10

Get organized for Metcon

3 Rounds: (40 seconds ON / 20 seconds OFF)
Station 1: Max Ball Slams (40/20)
Station 2: 12/9 Cal Row
Station 3: Plank
Station 4: 12/9 Cal Ski
Station 5: Handstand Hold
Station 6: Max Bicycle Abs
Station 7: 15 KB Taters
Station 8: 12/9 Cal Bike
Station 9: Max Box Jumps (20″)
Station 10: Max KB SDLHP (70/55)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds
*Advanced can do 15/12 Cal Stations

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