Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 6/20/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

-400m Jog
-15/12 Cal Row
-15/12 Cal Bike
-30 Jumping Bar Taps

Ankle/Calf Opener

Review Sweat Workout and Efficiency

For Time (35 minute cap)
-1000m Row
-100 Double-Unders
-1 Mile Run
-1 Mile Bike

-500m Row
-50 Double-Unders
-.5 Mile Run
-.5 Mile Assault Bike

-250m Row
-25 Double-Unders
-.25 Mile Run
-.25 Mile Bike

*We haven’t done just a straight cardio day in forever, so I’m excited to throw this one in today. The style is a little more fun than just 1 super long distance of each. You may start in any order and sub out 1 movement for ski erg if you wish, but you have to keep that order the whole time once you start.

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