Workout of the day
Thursday – 5/23/2019
The Workout for Thursday is:
-200m Run
-200m Row
-.4/.3 Bike
3 Way Banded Stretch
10 Cat Cows
10 Cobra Push-Ups
Practice S.A. Devils Press + Step-Ups
(From 0:00 to 5:00)
Run 1000m
(From 5:00 to 10:00)
AMRAP x 3 (Rx+ go full 5 minutes)
Single Arm DB Devils Press + 2 Box Step-Ups
*You choose your weight. Either keep it light and try to keep moving or go heavy for more of a challenge.
*You may go up in weight for each AMRAP as well.
(From 10:00 to 15:00)
Row 1000m
(From 15:00 to 20:00)
AMRAP x 3 (Rx+ go full 5 minutes)
Single Arm DB Devils Press + 2 Box Step-Ups
*You choose your weight. Either keep it light and try to keep moving or go heavy for more of a challenge.
*You may go up in weight for each AMRAP as well.
(From 20:00 to 25:00)
Bike 1 Mile (Ladies do 0.7)
(From 25:00 to 30:00)
AMRAP x 3 (Rx+ go full 5 minutes)
Single Arm DB Devils Press + 2 Box Step-Ups
*You choose your weight. Either keep it light and try to keep moving or go heavy for more of a challenge.
*You may go up in weight for each AMRAP as well.