Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 3/5/2020 (Sweat WOD Included)

The Workout for Thursday is:

35 minutes to finish in ANY order AND split the rounds however you like:

10 Rounds
-10 Cal Row
-10 DB Bench (50/35) (Sweat: Push-Ups)

10 Rounds
-200m Run
-10 Pull-Ups (Sweat: Ring Rows)

10 Rounds
-10 Cal Fan Bike
-10 KB Russian Twist (35/20) (Sweat: Suitcase Crunches)

*100 reps is a lot, so scale the numbers back a little on the bench + pull-ups if you’ve never done close to that many before. The best muscle pump would be to do as written. The best cardio would probably be to do 2 rounds of each station, 5 times through. As long as you get all 30 round in by the end, all is well 🙂

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