Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 12/5/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

EMOM x 5 Minutes
-12/9 Cal Row (Advanced: choose a challenging number)

EMOM x 5 Minutes
-10 DB Deadlifts (choose weight based on how you feel today)

EMOM x 5 Minutes
-12/9 Cal Bike (Advanced: choose a challenging number)

EMOM x 5 Minutes
-15 Box Jumps (24/20″)

[Rest 5 Minutes]

Midline Madness
EMOM x 10
Odd: 1 Minute Plank
Even: Max DB Russian Twist (Choose weight based on feel)

*On section 1, you may start anywhere. No rest between each 5 minute EMOM.

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