Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 11/7/2019

The Workout for Thursday is:

-Shuttle Run x 90 seconds
-15 Arm Circles Forward
-15 Arm Circles Backward
-10 Shoulder Tap + Toe Tap
-5 Burpees

10 Minute HS Walk Progressions
Everyone will start at Station 1 and progress until they reach a sticking station. From there you can either go back and start over or spend the remaining time practicing at your sticking station for the remaining time.
1. Wall walk x 2 reps
2. Handstand hold x 20 seconds
3. Shoulder shifts x 10 t0 20 reps
4. Shoulder taps x 10 to 20 reps
5. Box circles (feet on box) x 1 circle Rt & Lt
6 Assisted Handstand Walk (only if you need assistance)
7. Handstand walk x 50′
Spend remaining time playing upside down… think obstacles or walking forwards/backwards/sideways etc.

From 0-5min.
-45/30 Cal Assault Bike
-Max DB Hammer Curls in remaining time. (choose weight)

From 5-10min.
-10 Bench Press 135/85
-15 V-Ups or Sit-Ups
-20 Russian KB Swings (choose weight)

From 10-15min.
-Row 500m
-Max DB Skull Crushers in remaining time. (choose weight)

From 15-20min.
-10 Bench Press 135/85
-15 V-Ups or Sit-Ups
20 Russian KB Swings (choose weight)

From 20-25min.
-400m Run (weather permitting)
-Max DB Curl and Press in remaining time. (choose weight)

From 25-30min.
-10 Bench Press 135/85
-15 V-Ups or Sit-Ups
-20 Russian KB Swings (choose weight)

*Pick up where you left off on the AMRAPs
*If you’d rather make this more of a “Booty” workout, sub the “Pump Station” for any Butt targeted station you’d like. Examples: Weighted Reverse Lunges, Weighted Curtsy Squats, Weighted Cossack Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Step-Ups, Cross-Over Step-Ups, Banded Walks etc….

Spend 15-20 minutes on a machine of your choice.
At no point should you feel taxed. You should be able to hold a conversation the entire time. Grab some headphones and listen to some peaceful music, book, or podcast. Enjoy.

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