Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 11/21/2019

Test Week! – We need to see where we are at after the low volume weeks of the open.
This is a status report as to where you are now. The overall volume is low, but the intensity is high.
It is going to be a kick in the ass 🙂

The Workout for Thursday is:

Coach’s Choice

For Time
100 Back Rack Barbell Lunges (95/65)
*EMOM complete 4 Burpees

100 Russian KB Swings (70/55)
*EMOM complete 20 Double-Unders

100 Cal Machine of Choice
*EMOM complete 4 Burpees

100 Abmat Sit-Ups
*EMOM complete 20 Double-Unders

*Got a DOOZY today, BUT it does look insanely FUN! There’s 1 bit of good news… Every 5min. everyone gets a 1min. Rest regardless of where you’re at. At the 40 min. mark it’s over. You may start at any station you like. NO REST between sections!


Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
Couch stretch left leg
Couch stretch right leg
Lizard stretch left leg
Lizard stretch right leg
Frog stretch

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