Workout of the day
Thursday – 1/10/2019
The Workout for Thursday is:
(HR Activation)
5 Minute Machine @ Mod Pace
10 Reps /side Worlds Greatest Stretch
(Specific Activation)
2 Sets
-25′ Banded Side Walk with Single KB Front Racked
-5/side Single KB Bent Over Row
-5/side Single KB Front Squat *3 sec hold
-5/side KB Windmill
Front Rack Reverse Lunge
5 x 3 /leg
*Go heavy on these. perform all 3 on one leg before moving to the next.
Teams of 2
AMRAP x 15
-18 Power Cleans (185/125)
-30 Toes-to-Bar
-42 Box Jumps (24/20)
-50′ HS Walk for Both Athletes
Rope Pull-Ups
EMOM x 6-10 reps
Ring Dips
50 Reps For Time
10 Sets
Max Watt Bike
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
*This is going to be hard. Your wattage will go down as the round progresses. Get your wattage up as high as you can as quickly as you can. Once the wattage starts to go back down, you are done your set.
[Odd Object]
5 x 50′ Crabwalk with Medicine Ball
Accumulate 3 minutes of
Hollow Body Hold