Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday – 4/11/2020

The Workout for Saturday is:

“Morrison” Home Version
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
-Air Squats OR Reverse Lunges (Rt + Lt = 1)
-Double-Unders or Wall Taps x 2 (Double the Reps)
-Burpees (Reps Divided by 2)
*This should be a fun little Saturday burner for everyone. And yes, if you choose to lunge, that would equal 300 reps. A nice ass never hurt anyone 🙂
**If you want to make things interesting, Advanced Athletes can set a rule that each set of Double-Unders must be unbroken before moving on.

[Engine Builder]
Interval Day
5 Rounds
-Run/Machine 2:30
-Rest :30
*Track your total distance/cals



[Metcon: Option A]
For Time
-90 Bar Facing Burpees
-60 Deadlifts (185/125)(Rx+ 225/155)
-30 Ring or Bar Muscle-Ups (Scale: Strict Pull-Ups or C2B)
*@ 0:00 and every 3 minutes after, perform 30 Double-Unders.

[Metcon: Option B]
AMRAP x 18
-2 Single Arm Devils Presses (50/35)
-2 DB Box Step Ups
*Add 2 reps every round
**At 0:00, and every 3:00 after, perform a 50′ Handstand Walk or 100′ Bear Crawl.

*Both of these metcons are going to be a grind. Hit one or the other and call it a day. If you are feeling up to it, you can knock out the engine builder from above.

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