Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday – 2/16/2019

The Workout for Saturday is:



Rowling Game


Ankle Focus


8 x 1-arm Deadlift /side

8 x 1-arm Hang Clean /side

8 x 1-arm Push Jerk /side

4 x 1-arm Hang Clean to Push Jerk /side

4 x 1-arm DB Snatch /side


In teams of 2, complete the following for time

-75 Handstand Push-Ups

-75 DB Snatches (50/35)

-75 Pistols

-75 DB Hang C&J (Switch sides every 5 reps)

-75 Cal Row

-75 DB Hang C&J

-75 Pistols

-75 DB Snatches

-75 Handstand Push-Ups

*Advanced athlete can make everything 100 reps.

*Be sure to pace this to finish the HSPU strong. Everything in this workout (aside for the pistols) affect your HSPU so is truly about how you finish and not how you start.



Ring Dips

3 x Max Reps

Rest exactly 2 minutes between sets

Bar Muscle-Ups

30 reps for time

Time Cap = 6 minutes


On machine of choice

5 minutes increasing intensity every minute


5 Rounds of

:30 work

:30 rest

(This should be max effort, its only 5 minutes long so make it hurt)


5 minute cool down


4 Sets

-15 Banded Rows

-15 Squat Pull Throughs


Accumulate 3 minutes in L-Sit Hold

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