Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 7/1/2019

FRIDAY: 5:30/9:30/12:00/4:30 CLASSES ONLY

The Workout for Monday is:

2 Minute Machine (Nasal Breathing)
5 Wall Walks
10 Shoulder Taps
2 Minute Machine (Nasal Breathing)

Shoulder/Wrist Mobility
3 Bridges (fingers pointing backwards)
3 Bridges (fingers pointing sideways)
3 Bridges (fingers pointing forwards)
*Hold the top of each Bridge for a count

Push-Ups Complex
4 to 6 reps Normal
4 to 6 reps Wide
4 to 6 reps Narrow

3 Rounds for Quality
-5 to 10 Strict Ring Dips @ 21×1 (use a partner or band for assistance)
-20 sec Ring Support Hold Top
-20 sec Ring Support Hold Bottom
-5 to 10 Strict Ring Dips @ 21×1
-Rest 2 minutes
*The overall goal is quality positions and movements on the rings. Grab a partner if you’d like and either alternate back and forth on each station, OR partners can alternate full rounds. Fellas can grab 30″ boxes and use tall rings.

AMRAP x 15
-8 Walking Lunges (95/65)(Rx+ Overhead Lunges)
-8 Lateral Burpees OTB
-8 Walking Lunges (95/65)(Rx+ Overhead Lunges)
-8 Toes-to-Bar
*This is a version of the 16.1 open workout. If doing OH Lunges, I personally think that is important to have a slightly closer grip than your snatch grip. It gives you more support and balance during the lunge. I also recommend stepping back versus forward on the lunges.
*If you don’t want to worry about slinging the barbell around today, feel free to do the lunges with a bumper plate and burpees on to your plate. If you go this route, change the lunges to 16 reps.

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

4 Rounds
-15 Pendlay Rows
-25 GHD Hip Extensions

[Applied Strength]
Snatch Waves
3 minute window to hit 3 reps
Rest 1 minute between waves
-1st Wave: 1 rep @ 75% / 1 reps@ 77.5% / 1 rep @ 80%
-2nd Wave: 1 rep @ 80% / 1 rep @ 82.5 % / 1 rep @ 85%
-3rd Wave: 1 rep @ 85% / 1 rep @ 87.5 % / 1 rep @ 90%
-4th Wave: 1 rep @ 90% / 1 rep @ 90%+ / 1 rep @ 90%+

[Gross Conditioning]
Part A
3 Rounds
-30 sec Wall Sit (add load if possible)
-30 KB Goblet Squats (70/55)
-30 sec Wall Sit (add load if possible)
-30 KB Deadlifts (70/55)
Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Part B
2 Rounds for Time
-100′ Hand-Over-Hand Sled Pull (50KG/35KG added)
-200′ DBall Chest Carry (150/100)

[Engine Builder]
Run Option
Get in a good, long warm-up, and then…
For time:
Sprint 400 Meters @ 100%
[Rest until relatively recovered, and then…]
Every 4 minutes x for 16 minutes
Run 400 Meters @ 80% of your 1-Mile PR Pace
[When the running clock reaches 16:00…]
For time:
Sprint 400 Meters @ 100%
[When the running clock reaches 20:00…]
Run 400 Meters @ 80% of your 1-Mile PR Pace

Row Option
Four sets for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
Rest 3 minutes
Note times for each set.

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