Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 6/3/2019

The Workout for Monday is:

2 Rounds
-Run 44′ / Lunge 44′
-Run 44′ / Bear Crawl 44′
-Run 44′ / Crab Walk 44′
-Run 44′ / Inchworm 44′

Kang Squat x 8
WGS x 8

With empty barbell…
5 Tempo Back Squats @ 53×1
5 Jumping Back Squats

Back Squat
5 x 5 (climbing)
You will lift based on how you feel today. Aim to have your 3rd set around 85%. From there if you feel good, add weight. If things aren’t feeling great, back off and listen to your body. DEMAND PERFECTION.

For Time
21 – 15 – 9
-Deadlifts (225/155)
-Handstand Push-Ups
*It’s a great day for a benchmark 🙂

(Choose 1 to 2 based on your goals)

[Applied Strength]
EMOM x 20
1 Squat Snatch
Build quickly in the first 5 minutes.
Try to get 15 minutes around 80-90%

EMOM x 10
“X” amount of C2B Pull-Ups
The goal is to accumulate volume by doing a number of C2B each minute you can consistently hit and stay unbroken.

Movement Conditioning
Wall Ball
8 x :20 on / :10 off (30/20)

3 Sets of…
400m Run Moderate
Rest 1:00
6 x 150m Sprint
Rest 1:00 between

Rest 3:00 between sets

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