Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 11/4/2019

To celebrate the end of the 2020 CrossFit Open, we will provide BBQ this Saturday after the workout.
To RSVP and get more details, talk to Coach Chase or check out the event on our Private Facebook Page.

The Workout for Monday is:

2 Rounds
-1 minute Machine (45 sec moderate/10 sec hard)
-8 Single Arm DB/KB Push Press (Rt Side)
-88′ Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Carry (Rt Side)
-8 Single Arm DB/KB Push Press (Lt Side)
-88′ Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Carry (Lt Side)
-4 Burpee Broad Jumps

2 Rounds
-30 sec Puppy Dog
-10 T-Spine Rotations (5/5)

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets)
Push Press x 8 reps (building)
After each set, perform a 15/10 Cal Bike Sprint on either Assault or Echo Bike (shouldn’t take more than 20 sec)

5 Rounds For Time
-20 Wall Balls (20/14)
-10 Pull-Ups (Rx+ 5 Ring Muscle-Ups)
Time Cap = 12 minutes
*The key to this workout will be managing shoulder fatigue… Especially after our strength today. Everyone will be different when it comes to the gymnastics, so be smart with how you approach your wall ball sets.

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

Core Smash!
3 Rounds, NFT
-20 Pike ups
-20 Weighted Russian Twists
-20 Atomic Sit-Ups
-20 Weighted Russian Twists
-Rest 90 sec

[Applied Strength]
Panda Pull: 10 x 1 (work up)
Tall Snatch: 10 x 1 (light weight)
Squat Snatch: 15 x 1 (EMOM)

[Engine Builder]
Run Intervals
1000m x 2
800m x 2
400m x 2
200m x 2
*Rest 2 minutes between all reps 

Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
-Couch stretch left leg
-Couch stretch right leg
-Lizard stretch left leg
-Lizard stretch right leg
-Frog stretch

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