Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 11/18/2019

Test Week! – We need to see where we are at after the low volume weeks of the open.
This is a status report as to where you are now. The overall volume is low, but the intensity is high.
It is going to be a kick in the ass 🙂

The Workout for Monday is:

Every :15 for 3 minutes
Odd – 3 Burpees
Even – Jump Squats

-8 Scorpions
-8 Spiderman Lunges
-8 Cossack Squats

-4 Jefferson Curls
-8 Back Squats
-4 Good Mornings
-8 Reverse Lunges
-4 Kang Squats
-8 Jumping Back Squats

In 10 minutes, establish your 2RM Back Squat for the day.
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP x 2 minutes
Back Squat (Rx 185/125)(Rx+ 225/155)

3 Rounds for Time
-400m Run
-21 American KB Swings (55/35)
-12 Pull-Ups
Time Cap = 13 minutes


[Applied Strength]
Spend 15 minutes establishing 1RM Squat Clean
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP x 2 minutes
Squat Clean (Rx 185/125)(Rx+ 225/155)

Complete Max Set of Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP x 2 minutes
Ring Muscle-Ups

[Engine Builder]
For Time: Run 400m
Rest 6 minutes
For Time: Run 800m
Rest 10 minutes
For Time: Run 1600m

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