Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 10/7/2019

Be sure to check your email about signing up for the intramural competition.
We will have more emails coming out this week with more updates so be ready.
If you have questions, please talk to one of your coaches.

AMRAP x 8 minutes
-1:00 Machine
-4 Spiderman Lunges
-8 Air Squats with 2 sec pause at the bottom
-4 Inchworms + Push-Up
-8 Jumping Air Squats

Review Sumo Deadlift Point of Performance

Every 2 minutes x 10 minutes
3 Sumo Deadlifts (build to a heavy set of 3 for the day)
*You can either focus all your effort/energy on the Sumo Deadlift today..
*After each set perform a 20 sec Max Effort sprint on the machine of your choice. 

AMRAP x 14 Minutes
-10 Alternating DB Power Snatches (50/35)(Rx+ Anything Heavier)
-20 Lateral Burpees Over DB
-30 Wall Balls (20/14)
-50 Double-Unders
*This is a workout that has a lot of work in one round. I strongly suggest you break up the wallballs from the beginning in order to keep the second and third round consistent.

Ideally done as the final piece of your day.
Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
-Couch stretch left leg
-Couch stretch right leg
-Lizard stretch left leg
-Lizard stretch right leg
-Frog stretch

6 x 10 to 15 reps
*This is just rep accumulation… be smart if you haven’t been on the GHD is awhile. If this causes pain in lower back, stop @ parallel.

EMOM x 10
-5 Strict Pull-Ups
-5 Strict Ring Dips
*Scale reps up or down to allow yourself to stay unbroken.

Spend 10 minutes practicing walking on your hands
Add an obstacle course if you want to make it challenging.

Bike Conditioning
15 Rounds
2 Minutes ON / 1 minute OFF
*Notes: The target here is to complete 600 cals (men) or 480 cals (women). You should start and finish each 2 minute interval with 10s of 90% effort and then maintain around 75% effort for the rest of each interval.

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