Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 1/6/2020

The Workout for Monday is:

(Option A)
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets)
Overhead Squat x 7 reps
*Build to a heavy set of 7 for the day.

(Option B)
Every 60 seconds, for 10 minutes (5 sets)
Bench Press x 2 reps
*Use the heaviest weight possible across all 10 sets.

AMRAP x 12
-20 Deadlifts (135/95)
-15 Box Jumps (24/20″ no rebounding)
-10 Toes-to-Bar
*Rx+ perform 15 T2B and 10 Box Jumps

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

For Time
-50 Wall Balls (30/20)

[Applied Strength]
For Time
-30 Squat Clean & Jerks (185/125)
Time Cap = 10:00

6 Rounds for Time
-10 Strict Pull-Ups
-10 Strict Ring Dips
Time Cap = 12:00

[Engine Builder]
(Run Option)
2 x 800m Run
4 x 400m Run
Rx+ 8 x 250m Run
*Rest 90 seconds between sets

(Row Option)
6 x 750m Row
*Rest 2:00 between sets

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