Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday – 6/28/2019

The Workout for Friday is:

With a Partner…
4 Rounds each of

10 Reps of Each w/ PVC
-Pass Throughs
-Pec Opener (5 /side)
-Cuban Press

2 Rounds
-8 Scap Push-Ups
-4 Normal Push-Ups
-4 Wide Push-Ups
-4 Narrow Push-Ups

5 Rounds
-Bench Press x 10 Reps
~Immediately into~
-200m Row Sprint
Rest 2 minutes
*Make sure your Bench sets are working sets, try to build in weight if possible. Row sprints should be all out, if you don’t feel a little queazy after each then you’re not getting the right intensity.

For Time (15:00 Time Cap)
-100 Double-Unders
-30 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)(Rx+ 50 reps)
-30 Toes-to-Bar (Rx+ 50 reps)
-30 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)(Rx+ 50 reps)
-100 Double-Unders

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

3 Rounds
-Banded March w/ Front Loaded Hold x 3 minutes
-Rest 6o seconds
-Banded Pull-Throughs x 25 Reps
-Rest 2 minutes

[Applied Strength]
EMOM x 15
1 Clean
80% for all 15 reps 🙂

Every 6 minutes x 5 Rounds
-50/35 Cal Row or Ski
-4 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
-25′ HS Walk
-3 Ring Muscle-Ups

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