Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday – 11/22/2019

Test Week! – We need to see where we are at after the low volume weeks of the open.
This is a status report as to where you are now. The overall volume is low, but the intensity is high.
It is going to be a kick in the ass 🙂

The Workout for Friday is:

3 Rounds
15 sec Jacks
15 sec Air Squat
15 sec Mtn Climber
15 sec Reverse Lunge

3 Rounds
15 sec Cat/Cow
15 sec Puppy Dog
15 sec Scorpion
15 sec Squat Hold

Review Barbell Complex

AMRAP x 20 Minutes
“The Complex”
-1 Deadlift
-1 Squat Clean
-1 Front Squat
-1 Jerk
*Complex must be unbroken for round to count*

Rx = 185/125, Rx+ =225/155

*Go hard and set a baseline for the year! If you get 30+ Rounds, go up in weight next time. If you get under 15 rounds, reduce the weight next time.


Complete Max Set of Strict Pull-ups
Rest 3:00, then
Max set of pull-ups in 2:00 (Any Style)
Rest as needed
Complete Max Set of Strict Ring Dips
Rest 3:00, then
Max set of Ring Dips in 2:00 (Kipping)

[Engine Builder]
For Time
Run 4 Miles
*Perform on a track, treadmill, or trail. Pick a place you know you can be consistent with.

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