Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday – 7/29/2019

The Workout for Monday is:

3 Minute Machine
Building Intensity

3 Rounds
-5 Squats*
-5′ Duck Walk Forward
-5′ Duck Walk Backward
-5 Arm Circles Fwd & Bkwd
*Rnd 1 Kang Squats
*Rnd 2 Tempo Air Squat
*Rnd 3 Jump Squats

2 Rounds
-7 Wall Balls
-3 Burpee Box Jump Overs

EMOM x 40 minutes
Minute 1 – 15-18/10-12 Cal Row (Rx+ 20-25/15-18)
Minute 2 – 6 to 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (Rx+ 10 to 12)
Minute 3 – 10 to 12 Wall Balls (Rx+ 15 to 18)
Minute 4 – Active Rest*
*Active Rest can be any of the following that keeps you moving. Walk, Jog, Bike, or Ski. We do not want any standing around.
*The goal today is to keep moving for the entire 40 minutes. Pick a rep scheme that is challenging, but will allow you to be successful.

*We all have extra weaknesses we want a focus on. Only choose what will move the needle for you based on your goals, but will allow you to successfully recover before your next training session.

[Strength Work]
EMOM x 7
1 Snatch Balance
EMOM x 7
1 Hang Snatch
EMOM x 7
1 Snatch
*Perform all sections at 80-85% of 1RM Snatch

Deficit Deadlift
3 x 10 @ 70%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Back Squat
3 x 8-10 @ 75%
Rest 2-3 minutes between set

3 Rounds for Time
-20/15 Cal Bike
-Handstand Push-Ups*
-20/15 Cal Bike
-10/8 Ring Muscle-Ups
-20/15 Cal Bike
-100′ HS Walk
-Rest 2 minutes
*Set 1 – 20 Strict HSPU @ 4″ Deficit (2 15# plates)
*Set 2 – 20 Strict HSPU @ 2″ Deficit (1 15# plates)
*Set 3 – 20 Strict HSPU w/ no Deficit

[Engine Builder]
Every 2:30 x 30 minutes (12 sets)
-30 sec of Rowing
*These should be all out sprints
*Score = Total Cals

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