Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday – 3/5/2019

The Workout for Tuesday is:

EMOM x 6
1 – 45 sec Machine
2 – 8-12 Burpees
3 – 9 Heavy Wall Balls

-5/5 Samson Lunge + Reverse Hamstring Stretch
-5/5 T-Spine Rotation + Thread the Needle
-50′ Crab Walk

2 Rounds with partners on low rings
-3 Count False Grip Hold
-5 False Grip Ring Rows
-3 False Grip Ring Row + Transition + Jumping Ring Dip

5 Rounds for Time
-10 Bar Facing Burpees (Rx+ 15)
-3 Squat Cleans @ 70-75%
-6 Strict Pull-Ups (Rx+ Ring Muscle-Ups)
Time Cap = 20 minutes

“Legendary Abs”
*Let’s have some fun and cash out with a nice little core burner. 

3 Rounds
AMRAP x 1 minute
-Max HSPU in sets of 5
Rest 2 minutes between amraps
*Come down off the wall after every set of 5 and reset.

If you have BMU: 6 x 2 Hip-to-Bar + 3 BMU
If you do not have BMU: 6 x 6 C2B or Regular PU
*Progression for practicing butterfly (CLICK HERE)

4 Rounds
40 sec ON / 20 sec OFF (cycle thru)
-Plyo Push-Up (CLICK HERE)
-Ring Row

Concept 2 Machine (row/bike/or ski)
-50/40 Cals (start @ 80-85%)
-Rest 90 secondes
*Each round you MUST decrease you 50 calorie time by 5 seconds or more. Go until failure. 4-6 intervals is the goal, so pace accordingly.

Landmine Twists
4 x 20 (left + right = 2)

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