Workout of the day
Monday – 2/18/2019
The Workout for Monday is:
3 Rounds
-60 sec machine
-10 Banded Y-Pulls
-8 Jumping Pull-Ups
Hip Extension in Crab Position x 10 Reps
Hold Hip extension for a 2-count
2 Rounds
-10 Ring Rows
-10 Beat Swings on bar or rings
5 x 2+3 of one of the following based on skill level
Beginner/New Athletes
– Banded/Assisted Strict Pull-Ups + Bar Kips
Intermediate Athletes
– Strict Pull-Ups + Kipping Pull-Ups (or C2B)
Advanced Athletes
-Strict Muscle-Ups + Kipping Muscle-Ups
AMRAP x 14
-10 Power Snatches (75/55)(Rx+ 95/65)
-20 Bar Facing Burpees
-30 Wall Balls (20/14)
-50 Double-Unders or Bar Taps
*This is a workout that has a lot of work in one round. I strongly suggest you break up the wallballs from the beginning in order to keep the second and third round consistent.
Take 10 minutes practicing your freestanding handstand hold.
If holds are easy for you, throw in some shoulder taps as well.
Weighted Strict Ring Dips
5 x 3, ascending
*Weighted if possible, if you can’t really do unweighted, stick to body weight, add 1 or 2 reps if possible.
Row, Run, Bike, or Ski
5 Rounds
-1 Minute Max Effort
-2 Minutes Easy Recovery
*Each minute on is your best effort.
6 x 15
*If this causes pain in lower back, stop @ parallel