Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday – 6/9/2020

The Workout for Wednesday is:

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes
-Strict Press x 5 reps
*Work up.

3 Rounds for Time
-30 Air Squats (Rx+ Pistols)
-30 Single DB Box Step-Ups (50/35)
-30 Pull-Ups
Time Cap = 16 minutes

[Applied Strength]
In 10:00 window
Establish your 1RM (Check SugarWOD
Rest 2:00
AMRAP x 3 minutes
-Max (Check SugarWOD) @ 70 of 1RM

Climb the Ladder
AMRAP x 6 Minutes
-3 Check SugarWOD
-3 Check SugarWOD
6/6, 9/9, 12/12, etc…..

[Engine Builder]
*Check SugarWOD.

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