Workout of the day
Tuesday – 5/12/2020
We are continuing to program Bodyweight workouts.
For the Bodyweight WOD, change the workout track to “BodyWork!”
The Workout for Tuesday is:
Snatch + Overhead Squat
-9 Reps @ 70% of 1RM Snatch
-6 Reps @ 80%
-3 Reps @ 90%
*These percentages are only recommendations to help you gauge how to build. Remember you are easing back into lifting. Don’t be and idiot.
4 Total Rounds
AMRAP x 4 Minutes
-400/350m Row
*Check SugarWOD for the details.
*Rest 2:00 between rounds
**Score = Total Squat Cleans
[Gross Strength]
In a 10:00 window, establish a 1RM Push Press for the day
Rest 2 minutes, then
Every 2 minuets, for 3 sets
Max unbroken set of Push Press @ 70% of 1RM.
*Check SugarWOD.
[Engine Builder]
*Check SugarWOD.