Workout of the day
Saturday – 4/25/2020
The Workout for Saturday is:
Hero Workout
AMRAP x 19 Minutes
-1 Mile Run
Then, 5 Rounds of:
-27 Air Squats
-18 Push-Ups
*If you finish, start again on the mile run.
[Engine Builder]
*Check SugarWOD.
[Gross Strength]
Option A
Every 60 seconds, for 10 minutes (10 sets)
-Front Squat x 2 reps
*Use heaviest weight across all 10 sets. Focus on speed.
Option B
Every 60 seconds, for 10 minutes (10 sets)
-Sumo Deadlift x 2 reps
*Use heaviest weight across all 10 sets. Focus on speed.
AMRAP x 20
-20/15 Cal Row
-15 DB Box Step Overs (50s/35s)
-10 Ring Muscle-Ups
*We had bar muscle-ups yesterday. Today is about the rings. If you don’t have high rings, you can perform seated muscle-ups on low rings. If you need further scaling options, please contact one of your coaches.
[Applied Strength]
EMOM x 12 Minutes
-2 Power Cleans (drop and reset between reps)
*Work up.
[Gross Conditioning]
For Time
-50 Power Cleans (135/95)
*EMOM including 0:00 complete 25′ HS Walk.
Time Cap = 7 min.
[Engine Builder]
*Check SugarWOD