Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 4/16/2020

The Workout for Thursday is:

“Butts and Guts Marathon”
EMOM x 20 minutes (4 Rounds)
Station 1 – Plank
Station 2 – Max Glute Bridges (really squeeze those cheeks!)
Station 3 – Max Suitcase Crunch
Station 4 – Max Fire Hydrant Right Side
Staton 5 – Max Fire Hydrant Left Side

[DB/KB Metcon Option]
AMRAP x 12
-3 DB/KB Burpsters
-6 Alternating DB/KB Snatch + Overhead Lunge (whatever hand the KB is in, that same leg goes back)
-9 DB/KB Gorilla Rows
*This workout can be done with 1 or 2 DBs/KBs. If you only have 1 weight,  perform 9 gorilla rows on both arms.

For Quality
:20 on / :10 off x 24 Intervals (8 rounds)
-Handstand Hold (on the wall or freestanding)
-Hollow Hold
-Bear Crawl (mix up crawling forward and backwards)

[Engine Builder]
Make up a missed piece from this week.

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