Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday – 3/19/2020

DTC CrossFit is closed due to COVID-19
~Check the schedule for opening/closing times.~
(Contact Coach Chase directly at with any questions)

The Workout for Thursday is:

Every 60 seconds, for 20 minutes (20 sets)
-Power Clean + Jerk
*Work up

4 Minute Row @ (30 sec HARD x 30 sec EASY)

AMRAP x 4 Minutes
-25 Hand Release Push-Ups
-50 Toes-to-Bar or Sit-Ups
-Run 400m
-75 Air Squats
-150 Double-Unders

4 Minute Bike @ (30 sec HARD x 30 sec EASY)

AMRAP x 4 Minutes
(Start where you left off)

4 Minute Row @ (20 sec HARD x 10 sec EASY)

AMRAP x 4 Minutes
(Start where you left off)

4 Minute Bike @ (20 sec HARD x 10 sec EASY)

*Rest 1 minute between each section
*This is basically an Orange Theory style workout just FYI. Now… Imagine this every single day with different intervals on the cardio pieces. So ya, CrossFit is way cooler because we switch it up everyday 🙂

CORONA-CON (Home workout option)
EMOM until finished…..
-10 Burpees + Max Abmat Sit-Ups with time remaining…
*Continue this combo until you complete 100 total Sit-Ups.
*Advanced: Try 12 burpees until you complete 120 total Sit-Ups.
*Score = time it takes you to complete your sit-ups.

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