Workout of the day
Saturday – 11/23/2019
The Workout for Saturday is:
Coach’s Choice
Fight Gone Bad Style WOD
3 Rounds for Max Reps
-2 minutes of Snatch (95/65)
-2 minutes of Box Jumps (30/24″)
-2 minutes of Rowing for Max Cals
-2 minutes of Push-Ups or HSPU’s
-2 minutes of SDHP’s (95/65)
-1 minute Rest
*Only 1 person works a time and you are trying to get as many reps as possible at each station. NO REST between stations. As soon as the 2min. is up, you have to switch. No reps count past that point. Keep score today as I am really interested in these scores 🙂 Can any team get 1000 reps!? A solid traditional FGB score solo is 500 for reference.